Accommodation for Post Grads or Males 23 years old or older - Johannesburg

Company: 36 FULHAM ROAD CC
Location: Johannesburg, South Africa

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Accommodation for the Post Grad Student - 300 meters from gate 4 of University Of Johannesburg (APK campus)


Ideally we seek male students age 23 years old or older.

Cash or Bursary.

Included in the rent is free Wifi! Cleaning weekly, Semi-furnished single rooms.

Only 9 spaces available.

The commune is well maintained and meticulously run by the owner.

We look forward to accommodating the mature student who likes their own space and a peaceful environment to study in.



  • Minimum Age - 23 years old - male.
  • Post Grad Student.
  • Can be emplyed or a full time student!
  • Must allow parents to be contacted by landlord.


For further pictures and information:  and select "Available Rooms"


Contact Emil:

Tel: 083 297 3123


To enquire, kindly make a phone call to the cell number supplied.



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Date listed: 2025-02-11 10:15:50 | Closing date: 2025-12-31 | Bursary/Accommodation | Location : Johannesburg South Africa