Sasol: Production & Maintenance Learnerships 2023

Company : Sasol
Location: South Africa
Closing date: 24 April 2023

Please scroll down for more Details and Apply

Sasol: Production & Maintenance Learnership Programmes 2023


Location: Secunda & Sasolburg



The following Learnership opportunities are open for applications:


Learner Programmes in Secunda

Learner: Maintenance (Available in the following areas: Electrical, Instrumentation, Mechanical Fitter, Turning, Welding, Boilermaker)

Learner: Production (Available in the following areas: Chemical Plant Operator)

Learner Programmes in Sasolburg

Learner: Maintenance (Available in the following areas: Electrical, Instrumentation, Mechanical Fitter)

Learner: Production (Available in the following areas: Chemical Plant Operator)



A completed Grade 12 / National Senior Certificate or equivalent with a pass in:

  • Technical Mathematics / Mathematics SG/HG
  • English / Business English SG/HG
  • Technical / Physical Science SG/HG


A combined N3 Certificate, equivalent to Grade 12 which includes:

  • Mathematics
  • Engineering Science
  • Business English  

How to Apply

Click Here to Apply

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Date listed: 2023-04-12 08:40:42 | Closing date: 2023-04-24 | INTERN | Location : Nation wide South Africa