CapX Finance

Location : Tyger Valley, Cape Town, South Africa
Website: Visit Website

CapX Finance was established in 1999. We focus primarily on providing shorter-term finance to SMEs and property owners through several financial products. Our foundations are speed, simplicity and outstanding client service.

This gives us the edge on traditional financiers, who are not exactly renowned for these factors. Our typical client is usually not large enough to receive special attention from the banks.



Our Services


Invoice Discounting:

Most new businesses fail within the first few years and this is often due to a lack of working capital and pressure on cash flows. Invoice discounting is a simple way to obtain working capital for your business. It is flexible because you decide what your working capital requirement will be at any given time. Any business which regularly supplies goods or services on credit to a large company with a good credit standing, can use invoice discounting.

The mechanism is simple: the business sells its rights to future invoice payments to a finance house. The finance house pays the business owner immediately, takes over the invoice and collects the money from the debtor when the invoice is due for payment. The difference between the invoice amount and the amount paid to the business owner is the discount, i.e. the fee charged by the finance house.

CapX Finance provides both disclosed and undisclosed (confidential) invoice discounting to SMEs.

For more on Invoice Discounting visit:

Invoice Factoring:

Although the terms "Invoice Discounting" and "Invoice Factoring" are often used interchangeably, we regard it as two closely aligned financing products.

In terms of "Invoice Factoring", a business would typically have a good spread of clients of varying sizes, in various industries, with good payment histories. We provide an ongoing facility against this debtors book, which is based on our assessment of the book's credit standing, the client's own trading history and its balance sheet.

Although we confirm invoices with the debtors, we do not require payment undertakings from them. Depending on the circumstances, we may take over the collection of the client's book.

This product therefore suits a stronger business with a good spread of debtors, instead of a few larger debtors.

For more on Invoice Factoring visit:

Supply Chain Finance:

Pay your invoices later but keep your suppliers happy!

Impossible? No - supply chain finance is a unique financing product which allows you to do just that. If your business needs to conserve working capital (to finance growth or carry you through a difficult trading period) you should consider introducing finance into your supply chain. This means you can keep your cash for longer but your suppliers will still be paid on time - perhaps even earlier than usual.

Buyers and suppliers in any supply chain often arm-wrestle about payment and credit terms. The buyer wants to pay as late as possible, and the supplier wants to be paid as early as possible. Both try to keep as much cash as possible for as long as possible in its own business.

The stronger business normally wins, leaving the smaller one exposed to cash flow problems. This creates weak links in the supply chain, which ironically may come back to haunt the stronger business one day when it has to go out and look for a new buyer or supplier after its old "partner" has gone belly-up.

Supply chain finance (sometimes called "reverse factoring") resolves this problem by injecting cash flow into the supply chain at critical points between buyers and suppliers, giving both of them some breathing space.

For more on Supply Chain Finance visit:

Property Finance:

This is for a business with a temporary cash-flow shortage. A Secured Loan from CapX allows access to the equity, surplus or profit locked up in fixed property quickly. This may provide a cash injection into your business, allow you to expand your business or to pursue a new business venture.

  • The property must be unbonded;
  • The property must be worth at least R 625 000;
  • The lender must be a business entity, such as a company, close corporation, trust, or partnership;
  • The loan period varies from between 6 – 12 months
  • The loan amount varies from R 250 000 to R10 million.

For more on Property Finance visit:

Business Finance:

When a business opportunity knocks on your door, can you afford to wait while the bank officials go through their normal credit processes?

Sometimes it takes months before the bank finally approves - or declines - a business credit application. We understand urgency: if you don't move quickly, you lose out. We make quick credit decisions, based on many years of financing complicated business transactions.

What's more, we don't just give you money. We also help you put together a transaction which is best for you, by taking into account factors such as cash flow, payment options, tax, accounting, law and above all business sense. We are hands-on entrepreneurs like our clients.

As security we accept a bond on fixed property. We focus primarily on the security offered and less on the application of the funds.

For more on Business Finance visit:


Contact Us


South Africa:
CapX Finance
PO Box 4402
Tyger Valley

Tel: 0861 900 301
Fax: 021 979 1996


From time to time we experience power or telephone failures. If you cannot reach us, kindly use the following emergency contact details: Mobile: 076 438 3564 and Direct fax: 086 537 1953

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