Women’s Property Network (WPN): Bursaries 2023

Company: Women’s Property Network (WPN)
Location: South Africa
Closing date: 13 October 2022

Please scroll down for more Details and Apply

Women’s Property Network (WPN): Bursaries 2023


Bursaries will be awarded for Undergraduate Degree or Diploma studies, in: Property-related fields (Built Environment and Commercial Real Estate sector).



Applicants must satisfy the following minimum entry criteria before applying (please note that failure to satisfy all the requirements will lead to your application not being considered):

  • You must be a South African citizen
  • You must be female
  • You must be studying full time towards an undergraduate Property-related degree or diploma
  • You must have attained and maintained a minimum overall average of 65% in the 2021 academic year
  • You must be studying at a recognised and accredited public tertiary institution in South Africa (bursaries will NOT be awarded for studies at private tertiary institutions)
  • You must be entering your 2nd year or higher year of study
  • You must have proven financial need
  • You must have a strong academic record/ potential

The bursary will provide cover for tuition fees, for the 2023 year of study (the bursary will NOT cover any outstanding student debt or arrears).


The bursary may also provide cover for study materials, at the discretion of WPN (students must submit a list of books from the institution/ official bookshop and a valid quotation).

How to Apply

Click Here to Apply

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Date listed: 2022-10-20 11:03:58 | Closing date: 2022-10-13 | Bursary/Accommodation | Location : Nation wide South Africa