Knysna Municipality: Bursaries 2024
The Knysna Municipality is offering the Mayoral Bursary Fund for the 2024 academic year to students residing within the Knysna Municipal District (Western Cape). The bursary aims to support students studying in scarce skills areas such as Engineering and Science.
Eligibility Criteria:
Applicants must satisfy the following minimum entry criteria before applying:
- You must be a South African citizen
- You must reside within the Greater Knysna Municipal Area, in the Western Cape province
- You must be currently in Matric (in 2023) or have completed Matric
- You must be studying or intend on studying full-time towards a qualification within a scarce skills sector, in 2024
- You must studying or intend on studying at a SAQA accredited tertiary or TVET institution in South Africa
- Preference will be given to students in financial need and those from historically disadvantaged communities
The bursary will provide cover for the following expenses:
- Registration fees,
- Tuition fees (partial cover),
- Book allowance (up to a certain amount),
- Examination fee,
- Accommodation (if students can prove they need it).
- Awards will be paid directly to tertiary institutions.
NB. Bursaries are awarded based on merit and financial need.
How to Apply
Click Here to Apply
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